Saturday, July 30, 2011
Entrepreneur’s News
Considering the recent turmoil that News Corporation has had in the past few weeks, the concept of being at the top and super empowering on each and everything, no longer exists. Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch’s apology was a lively example of the saying "with great power comes great responsibility". It still proves that in no circumstances, this money can buy anything. The arrogance of owning anything on whatever an entrepreneur keeps his fingers on has been thrashed by the Law and Order that still exists in the world. There was a time when this Monster was galloping almost all the media Business all by himself and no one was there to stop him. Hopefully not commercially but ethically he has been curbed.
Join an Entrepreneurship Program for Valuable Lessons
If you are looking to make your mark in the business world, it is better that you have some firsthand experience in handling business in the proper manner and in this way, you will be ready to turn into an entrepreneur and start your own business. Various companies are hiring interns for their entrepreneurship courses and are teaching youngsters firsthand how to run a successful business and moreover, the programs also include going to the sites and setting up businesses and concluding deals in order to bring you up to speed about how things are done in the world of business so that you don’t mess up.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Young Turks
More young minds are taking up entrepreneurship and leaving their lucrative jobs to become self employed. This has flushed the market with new and fresh ideas taking entrepreneurship to a whole new level. The paradigm shift has not taken place overnight as established brands face stiff competition form fast growing businesses. Fresh entrepreneurs have brought in fresh innovation which are profitable and consumer friendly at the same time. These innovations have also been in accordance with rising global concerns regarding climate change and pollution leading to global warming. Hence the future for the entrepreneurship field is looking bright as ever with the exodus of young minds and ideas for the future.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Business of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is on its way to becoming one of the biggest professions in the world. Companies are employing entrepreneurs to look after various aspects of events, to hold functions and such other things. Entrepreneurs are also holding a major stake in the world of music, fashion, sports and movies as well and they are earning more money than many sport stars and actors as well. They are taking bright prospects under their wings and are turning them into superstars of different fields and talented people are also becoming dependent on these people to help them make a name for themselves
Tips for Lifestyle Entrepreneur
Most of the entrepreneur only thinks about the initial profit of a particular business farm. Entrepreneur, who’s passion is more important that the profit of the business is regarded as a lifestyle entrepreneur. They do not run unnecessary behind money. A business model is chosen and it is then developed. Along term goal is established for the business. Lifestyle entrepreneur generally turns their hobbies into their works. So, they enjoy and get motivated to do the business. The works become very easy. They choose a business, which they would love to do. It is said that if, any work is done with full concentration then, no one can stop the individual from achieving success. Lifestyle entrepreneur balance business and family very well. They spend a perfect social life, which never make them frustrated with work.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Entrepreneur though process
It is an important and a difficult task to start a business venture all by one self. Hence the though process or the Entrepreneur though is immensely important to reach where one strives to be.
The first and foremost is to understand the concept of clarity of though and the clarity of concept. Hence this gives the person a sense of direction al together. The next step is the clarity of objective. Having an objective and a goal is important and without it the entire purpose of the venture will dwindle. The last step in though process is the serenity of the mind. Serenity of the mind is achieved only when one has achieved the above two processes and hence the work order will fall in its place all by itself.
The first and foremost is to understand the concept of clarity of though and the clarity of concept. Hence this gives the person a sense of direction al together. The next step is the clarity of objective. Having an objective and a goal is important and without it the entire purpose of the venture will dwindle. The last step in though process is the serenity of the mind. Serenity of the mind is achieved only when one has achieved the above two processes and hence the work order will fall in its place all by itself.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Three types of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is the art of initiating new business enterprises or strengthening already developed business enterprises. It’s an extremely complex kind of work to undertake, as most often new business enterprises fail. The three kinds of entrepreneurship include: (1) The Wealth Creation Entrepreneur—the goal is to attain the largest available market while making the highest amounts of profit (2) The Lifestyle Entrepreneur—the primary aim is a flexible and good lifestyle not to attain maximum amounts of profits (3) The Social Entrepreneur-- he identifies social issues and utilizes his/her principals to create, develop and manage a business enterprise that can sustain social change.
Entrepreneur Is Now a Woman’s Deal
In the year 2011, woman entrepreneur have been taking over the man entrepreneurs at an alarming rate. Gone are those days when women had to be back home putting in all the efforts and keeping the family together. Nowadays along with the household and family responsibilities, business women working as entrepreneur are fairly doing well and most of them have an excellent control over both worlds. Most these ambitious women have started their career in entrepreneurship by owning online business. This demands for lesser capital investment and also gives enough time to the women to get settled with their job.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Finding the Entrepreneur in you
A basic definition of an entrepreneur is one who manages and organizes the risks and other undertakings in a business or enterprise. An entrepreneur hence must have the self confidence to lead, direct and control. With the fast moving world, people hardly tend to contemplate with their inner self to know whether they are suited to becoming an entrepreneur. The basic traits that are positive signs towards becoming a successful entrepreneur are passion and perseverance towards work, a high energy level and confidence to control. It is a common notion for entrepreneurs to lose focus on the job task if they are no longer in control of it. Their conceptual ability and realistic outlook are important traits that help in their success as well.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Creative Destruction
Everyone wants to make it big in life – no matter what. Wine, women, money, comfort and the world’s luxuries at one’s feet is the ultimate desire. Hence, the best possible for a person to do something big is to become an entrepreneur. Everyone wants to achieve everything, but what sets real entrepreneurs from aspiring ones is the ability to take risks, innovate, and become ‘doers’ instead of ‘thinkers’. A man’s ability to destroy competition by being creative makes him a real entrepreneur. For this purpose, people come up with various business plans which are out-of-the-box. But real entrepreneurs translate these plans into reality.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Young Entrepreneurs
We do not generally associate entrepreneurship with the young generation. But we see more young faces in the entrepreneurship market than in any other field now. From Mark Zuckerberg to Sabeer Bhatia, the Gen-Next is taking over from the big boys. As people are encouraged to pursue theirs big ideas more and more fresh minds and brains are moving towards self employment via entrepreneurship. Thus by means of ground breaking innovations and sound business acumen the young entrepreneurs have made the world their playground. The benefits and returns that this field offers are limitless and hence more and more graduates are actually turning towards entrepreneurship and choosing this field over the Wall Street.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Go Green to Start Your Entrepreneurial Venture
The new mantra of recent entrepreneurial ventures is to go green. Eco – friendly concepts like solar panels are being rapidly taken up as business commodities. With steady rise of global warming and the constant upsurge of population pressures, little spaces are available to improvise new age living ideas. One such idea is solar panels. Harnessing the power of the sun and utilizing it to our benefit is the great idea to help contribute towards a better world. Better world it may be for all but business it is for some 21st century entrepreneurs. They have unearthed the potential behind this concept and are profiting immensely through it as well.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Thomas Alva Edison-Inventor or Entrepreneur?
We all use many of his inventions every day, the most common being the light bulb. We all know him to be a prolific inventor, and not without reason. He had over one thousand patents in his name.
Yes, Thomas Edison is the subject of this piece. What many people are unaware of is that besides being a brilliant scientist, he was also a person with a keen business sense. He invented the electric car battery, vote recording machines, etc. He also went on to be the founder of numerous companies, most notable among which was General Electric. He began his career as a telegraph operator, but soon became one of the greatest entrepreneurs whose inventions still help millions of people around the world.
Yes, Thomas Edison is the subject of this piece. What many people are unaware of is that besides being a brilliant scientist, he was also a person with a keen business sense. He invented the electric car battery, vote recording machines, etc. He also went on to be the founder of numerous companies, most notable among which was General Electric. He began his career as a telegraph operator, but soon became one of the greatest entrepreneurs whose inventions still help millions of people around the world.
The Five canons of Fitness Training
Firstly, the most essential factor while fitness training is to take a proper form. If your form isn’t proper you might get injured therefore one should exhibit a proper posture. Secondly, you should have knowledge of your breath, holding your breath for too long may cause unnecessary pressure on your heart and blood pressure. Thirdly, you must distinguish between precision and momentum: while fitness training, three exercises with precision is better than twenty with momentum. Fourthly, you must be aware of the weights you are lifting; they should not be too heavy. Finally, hydrating is extremely important while fitness training, you must drink 8oz of water while and after fitness training.
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